Workplace Needs Assessments

Each individual with a neurodivergent condition has a unique profile. Neurodivergent employees will have different strengths that can be great assets to an organisation. At the same time, they’re likely to face different challenges and may require additional adjustments to ensure they’re able to succeed in their job. The best way to determine how to support a specific neurodivergent employee is through a Workplace Needs Assessment.

A Workplace Needs Assessment involves an impartial evaluation of the challenges an individual is facing in their work as a result of their condition or disability and consideration of the most appropriate solutions to overcome these challenges. Each assessment is followed up with a report of recommendations, enabling employers to make the necessary adjustments to support their employee. Recommendations may include reasonable adjustments to working practices, modifications to the working environment, assistive technology, support for emotional wellbeing and training for other members of the organisation.

Who is a Workplace Needs Assessment for?

A Workplace Needs Assessment can be carried out for anybody who faces additional barriers or challenges in the workplace. At Illuminate Inclusion, we specialise in assessments for individuals with neurodivergent conditions, including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia (DCD) and mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression.

Why is a Workplace Needs Assessment necessary?

Neurodivergent conditions, including autism, ADHD and dyslexia, are considered to be disabilities under the Equality Act 2010. By law, employers must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that a disabled employee is not at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to an employee who is not disabled. A Workplace Needs Assessment is the most effective way of gaining a thorough understanding of how an individual’s disability affects them at work and expert guidance on how to make the necessary adjustments to enable them to thrive at work.

In addition to ensuring you are meeting your legal obligations, there are a range of ways that Workplace Needs Assessments can benefit your business including:

Improving employee health and wellbeing

Increasing work productivity

Improving team communication

Lowering absence and long term illness rates

Boosting job satisfaction and motivation

What’s involved in the assessment process?


Once you decide to organise a Workplace Needs Assessment with us, we’ll set up an appointment time.

Our interviews are typically carried out remotely, although arrangements can be made for in-person interviews where required.

Interviews usually last between 1.5 and 2 hours, during which time the assessor will cover:

  • The individual and their job role

  • Specific areas of challenge

  • Accommodations and support.

Report of Recommendations

A full report will be shared within two weeks of the assessment and will include:

  • A summary of the employee’s disability

  • Specific challenge they face in their work

  • Recommended accommodations to ensure they are not at a disadvantage due to their disability.


Once the report has been shared, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that appropriate changes are made, although we encourage the employer and employee to decide together how to move forwards.

Whilst some recommendations may form part of an individual employee’s support plan and can be implemented immediately, others (such as staff training) may be used as part of an organisation’s long-term development plan.

If you require other support for your organisation, our training and consultancy options may also be beneficial for you. You can find more information about these services here.